Moon Phases & Israelites


I have always thought that the moon was magic—and there are tons of moon-related projects for kids.

The model above was made using one jumbo marshmallow sliced into four pieces and a white marker on black construction paper. Or, download my Phases of the Moon monthly record sheet for older kids HERE or the week-long record sheet for younger kids HERE.


Unfortunately, paper and computer-generated models that explain the moon’s rotation around the earth are a little confusing for children. But, a physical model that spins around their little necks (very safely) and turns your child into the Earth itself, is very easy to understand. Above you, you can see the waning gibbous moon. Get directions for making this model HERE.

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But, let us wonder for a moment and think about God.

This is a 360 degree view of Mt. Sinai by skycam on Google Maps. In the city, or even in the country with light pollution, it is hard to see the stars in the sky, but when Abraham was told to count stars, this is what he was told to count. THIS SKY. When the Israelites camped in the desert, it was under THIS SKY.

One of the incredible faithfulnesses of God is that, although it is not clear precisely when Moses wrote Genesis for the people, his intention in writing seems clear. He pointed them back to all the stories they knew already, from the beginning of time, to prove to them that God was powerful and loving enough to take them from slavery in Egypt to freedom and rest in the Promised Land. God gave them stories of His goodness to sustain them in the desert.

So, when Moses was reminding them that God made the lights of the day and the lights of the night to order their times and seasons, He was saying, “Trust God. He is in control of the world He has made. He has power over even the sun, moon, and stars. Day will follow night—even in the ‘vast and terrifying wilderness.’ They will be reliable in the sky every single day because He is reliable every single day.

He even upheld His initial creation pattern by requiring them to rest in their tents for a weekly Sabbath. Why? Because they were not slaves who had to scramble for life in desperation and fear; they were children of the living God—the consistent and orderly God who makes a time, a space, a providence, and a job for every single thing and creature He has created and upholds them by His own authority.

Now THAT is a pandemic lesson, yes?!

If that idea, from Dr. Richard Pratt, interests you, his series of sermons on the Pentateuch is HERE on Apple Podcasts.


And, if this project is appealing to you, I cut a heel from a loaf of bread into a circle, dipped it in white paint and stamped it on a piece of black paper. Then I dumped a little white eyeshadow over the top , shook it around, and let it dry. You could also use glitter or baking soda to get the same effect.


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