Plants & Children


There is something about raising children or working with people, in general, that is so…subjective. Did you explain yourself? Did they understand? Is it a phase or a one-time situation? Sometimes, if you are like me, you are wondering “Are we getting anywhere at all?”

And THAT is why God’s words are important. They are not subjective. They are true. What God promises, He will do.


Make yourself a reminder that God has promised to finish what He is starting in His people—even if they are your children. He has taken it as His responsibility. We can just keep obeying God they best that we can—praying to Him and talking to them about His words and HE WILL DO THE WORK.

Or download the reminder I made for myself HERE.


God has also surrounded us with proof that He is always working—very slowly and deliberately. For me, that reminder is plants. Every day, they are different in small ways I can usually see. I can look at the little green plant on my desk or this red honeysuckle outside and remember that God is working in my heart and in the hearts of my family. What could be your daily proof that God is working?


I Don't Want To


Lunch as Learning