Easter Egg Poems
. We always do poetry in Spring.
and it’s time to do Easter-y things
The suggestions are easy.
The weather is breezy.
Cut egg patterns, paint, and then string!
Download poetry types and samples and blank patterns HERE. Enjoy. Try a Golden Shovel poem. They are my favorite. If your child is too young to sort out a whole poem, do it together and be SO SILLY or write sight words on the eggs, tape them to the wall, and throw bean bags at them to identify. Either way :)
I’ll be honest, this morning, I offered a gummy bear to anyone who could tell me the reference in the Limerick Poem. Then, we looked up Psalm 23 in the Jesus Storybook Bible and the ESV for Kids. We talked about Hebrew Poetry being different (someone was trying to count syllables) and about poetry being writing that makes pictures in your brain.
Or just use the egg shapes to make paintings or newspaper collages.
Note: The colored paper is construction paper and the white paper is plain cardstock. I used watercolor paints on both papers.