Weird is Worried


Anything that changes up the daily routine of humans gives us an opportunity to worry. Lots of different things have happened to us, as an entire world, over the last couple of weeks that make very small people think very big thoughts.

It is always good to let them get those thoughts out onto paper. What are they wondering about?

Write for them if need be and don’t worry about spelling or grammar. Don’t tell them their fears are silly or unfounded.


Then, talk about what to do with fears. We tell them to Jesus. Our family prayed together, saying “Thanks” for what we were excited about and “But, I’m worried about…” the other things.

We paired it with a free family devotion from one of my very favorite Christian Education companies, SEEDS Family Worship. The devotion was about how God can be with us no matter where we are—even if we feel stuck or isolated.

Screenshot_2020-03-18 Seeds of Courage Family Worship Guide.png

The free sample of Family Devotions from this book can be found HERE and the free version of the Bible verse song for Jeremiah 33:3 can be found HERE at the bottom of the page.

As a side note, our girls have no idea how many bible verses they actually know because they remember these songs so easily. I would highly recommend all the digitally downloaded CDs I have.


American Landmark Mysteries


Spring Spelling