Glory Even in This


First, I would like to say that we did not make this mask for this cow, but someone wanted to let him borrow it for a few minutes to keep him safe. This is Howie Cowie and he is modeling our work of the last couple of days.

A couple of weeks ago, I had no intention of making masks. I don’t know why, I just didn’t. But, since the CDC has determined that you can spread this ridiculously awful virus without even knowing you have it, it seemed like the way to love other people. We don’t even go anywhere but around our block, but I have said, “Don’t do that! We can’t go to the emergency room right now” several times in the last month, so…

And it occurred to me that even in mask-making, there is glory. There is always glory in craftsmanship, in color, in usefulness. And, the idea that cotton—that grows out of the ground, can be woven tightly enough and layered deeply enough to keep my germs away from other people is amazing. To see the ingenuity of people making masks out of bandanas and hair rubber bands or those famous stretchy leggings, everyone seems to have, is beautiful to me.

To push back against the fall in hope with creativity and imagination is glory. And it is SUCH an Easter message.


This is the verse that has been weaving its way into my heart this week. Revel in it, please. Anything is possible because OUR HOPE IS SET ON THE LIVING GOD.

So, I will do the work of the day and make masks to the best of my ability. I will offer them to my friends who don’t horde craft supplies and I will pray to Jesus to kill this virus and then I will forget and then I will pray some more.

And then I will pray for my friends with black skin who have been told not to wear masks, for any reason, to avoid suspicion, their whole lives. I will pray for my friends who are Asian and are worrying about their safety, since, apparently, some people are holding them all personally responsible. And, I will pray for Jesus to come back. For Him to fix the things that are broken through His people until He comes, but for Him to come soon.

Come, Lord Jesus.


Amazing Math Adventure Story


Stuffed Animal Adventure Stories